Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Berlin Calling

1. What do drugs mean to Ickarus?

-Ickarus was struggling making new music. His manager was not impressed by his music, and because of this Ickarus searched for drugs. It was his way out of the real world. His mother's death earlier also affected him. He was not being accepted. He could escape his troubles of not being able to produce successful music. Once he started to use the drugs, he could not stop. They became a significant part of his life. When he would try to stop, he would eventually go back to them, even though the audience can tell he wanted to stop otherwise he would not be at the psychiatric clinic searching for help because the clinic he is at is an open clinic where he is free to come and go as he pleases. When he is on the drugs, he hears the music differently and produces different music. Drugs are a way Ickarus can connect to his fans because many of his fans are also on drugs when they listen to his music. 

2. Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?

-His fans take drugs when they are out at clubs. A lot of the drugs that were present throughout the movie I had not heard of. Ickarus mainly gets his drugs from his friend Erbse at the night clubs in Berlin. Some of the drugs present were PMS, which contains ecstasy. Ickarus takes this and goes into psychosis and starts taking off his clothes. He is then emitted into a psychiatric hospital. The drugs present are cocaine, MDMA, MDM, and ketamine. These drugs are taken at the clubs before, during, and after being at the clubs. Many of the fans are taking the drugs for the same reasons as Ickarus does. His fans want to connect with the music they are hearing and their friends around them. Many of his fans are probably in the same situation as Ickarus. They have many problems in their life and are trying to escape the reality of their lives. 

3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus belongs to focus on drugs?

-He is an artist, and because of this the subculture focuses on drugs. I have always thought of artists like the Beatles that were on drugs made some of their best music such as the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, however, Ickarus makes his best music when he is sober. The subculture focuses on drugs because it is very common to this culture. There are drugs everywhere in the Berlin nightlife. Drugs are a common problem with society. This could be because many of the youth do not have jobs and do not know what else to do so they go to drugs to solve their problems. 

4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?

- This movie was very different than where I grew up. I grew up in a town around 15,000 where there were no night clubs. It was a smaller town where everyone knew about your life. In this movie, there is an abundance of night clubs. Sex is seem as more casual. There is sex in the open at these parties. Drugs are also extremely common being passed out in the open. These drugs are also very destructive and strong. Ickarus is famous. Growing up, I always read about the scandals of celebrities in magazines. Ickarus's problems did not surprise me as the lifestyle of every one else around him. There seemed to be almost too much addiction happening that I could not believe.

5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?

- I do not think the youth culture in the movie could change Germany being a strong independent nation. They are also high and on drugs to be in a situation to make major decisions. I do not see these people becoming strong political figures making decisions. Their behavior happens frequently at night clubs and will not affect major political figures. They could disrupt politics and Germany's success, but I do not think they will change it. Ickarus can have an influence on the youth culture without changing policy. He creates his best music when he is sober. His manager, Alice, is very hard on Ickarus, but this is good. She has deadlines to meet and her job is always on the line too. I think they can show the youth culture what it means to work had to fulfill goals. I do not think that they can change the whole youth culture though. It would have to be a movement with the whole music industry to do this for the culture to change. Famous people are role models for a lot of teenagers, and if the famous people can get their lives together and show the impact they can have on society, the youth could follow.

6. Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?

-Some similar movies Rocky Horror Picture Show and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 

Overall Viewing Experience:

I enjoyed watching the film. It was a different film than the first one we watched in class. At times, it was uncomfortable to watch, but it opened me up to a lot of aspects that are currently happening in Berlin. It was interesting to learn about the youth culture in Berlin. Ickarus has a lot going for him, but he just got off track with his addiction to drugs. When he started taking drugs, he could not keep his life straight and he destroyed his music and his relationship with his girlfriend. Once he went into the clinic, I thought he would leave right away. I was surprised how he wanted to stay and the atmosphere of the clinic. They were very open and supportive of Ickarus and his music. I always thought of clinics like this to be strict and harsh, but this clinic was very open to helping Ickarus. Once Ickarus could stay off drugs, his music succeeded. I liked knowing that Ickarus had cleaned up his act and got back on track. The youth seemed to love his music too. I enjoyed listening to his music. It is not something that I usually listen to because there are no words, but I liked the beat of it. 

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